Jacob Lawrence, The Card Game (1953)
Marion Perkins, Figure Sitting (1939)

In honor of Mother's Day for Welcome to My Homepage Residency, 
I want to invite you to visit the museum at my alma mater 
Savannah College of Art and Design
 (alma mater is generally used as a positive term, implying reverence and loyalty for the nurturing qualities of the institution, and in this case, 
of our President and Founder Paula S. Wallace

I would like to present two works of art from The Walter O. Evans Collection 
of African American at Scad Museum of Art
The collection consists of more than 60 works donated by Dr. Walter O. and Linda J. Evans that span more than 150 years, bringing to greater light the remarkable contributions of African American artists throughout the modern era.  
It is one of the most important collections of African American visual art dating from the 18th century to the present and includes works from Edward Bannister, Romare Bearden, Elizabeth Catlett, Robert S. Duncanson, Richard Hunt, Jacob Lawrence and others. 
This collection forms the foundation of a multidisciplinary center for the study, understanding and appreciation of African American art and culture. 

Jacob Lawrence's "The Card Game" (1953) depicts a group of card players similar to scenes from artists like Caravaggio. The painting falls within Lawrence's greater body of work, which highlights scenes in and around his Harlem neighborhood in the 1950s, giving vibrant glimpses into social gatherings. "Figure Sitting" (1939) is an early work by Marion Perkins who was one of Chicago's foremost Renaissance sculptors and was known for his compact and expressive carved stone heads and figures, using stone from derelict city buildings. 

My son and I were lucky to meet Dr. Evans at the point 
when he and his wife were making their decision to make this donation.  
I couldn't find a Creative Commons license for either of these two works, 
so I was hesitant to alter or appropriate them 
out of respect for Dr. Evans.  
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

Photos and text via scad.edu and @googleartsculture