Immense Journey in an Advanced Stage of Preparation (Text Deconstruction Results in a Self-Portrait from an Appropriation of Words)*

Having created the vision, begins to emit essence.
Its resonance comes to life, and it’s overwhelming.
Microscopically penetrable.
Harmoniously woven with interpenetrating levels, listening in to articulate, deep, tremulous, shimmering glows. 
Lush. Exuberant.
Inside, in front of, around, above, beneath, seething the silence of the vast, the light reveals the inner anatomy to the exterior.
High speed, high voltage, the light immerses in the luminous sonority.
A promise continuously emanating energy.
Enveloping. Enticing.
Prismatic awareness of the breaking down of frontiers, [surrendering] oneself to be [saturated] by its presence.
Silently. Mysteriously.
Attentively listening to its own articulate lines.

*1123…n Sensitive Images of the Space of Time by Bruno CorĂ  from Mario MERZ at MOCA